Why is the cemetery called that?

Let us discover together the origin and meaning of this name.

The word cemetery, in Latin coemeterium, derives from the Greek "koimetérion", place of rest, from koiman to make sleep.

It effectively expresses the Christian concept of the tomb as a resting place awaiting an inevitable awakening in the resurrection.


We are all visitors in this time and in this world.
We are just passing through. Our task here is to observe, learn, grow, love and then return home.

Ancient Australian Aboriginal Proverb

Our blog Insights and useful information.

Inhumation and Entombment: what they are and which one to choose

Two very ancient and different burial practices. Let's analyze the pros and cons of each.


Repatriation of a Body from France to Italy

Regulations for the Transport of a Body between France and Italy. Managed by a Specialized Funeral Agency.

The solace

The solace

An old but still very much felt tradition in our country, a way of showing closeness to the family of the deceased.
