With discretion and professionalism, at your side.
We follow all organisational activities and technical operations to best honour the memory of your loved one.
Useful information
Here is what to do in the event of:
Death at Home, Hospitals, R.S.A. (Nursing Home) or Private Clinics
When the death occurs at Home, Hospitals, R.S.A. or Private Clinics, family members can contact Roberto Rossi S.r.l. Funeral Directors who will arrange the funeral. Roberto Rossi Ltd Funeral Directors informs citizens to be wary of anyone offering funeral services inside the Mortuary Chambers of Hospitals, Clinics or Rest Homes as it is forbidden by law.
Death abroad
Roberto Rossi Ltd Funeral Directors takes care of the eventual repatriation of the corpse in compliance with international procedures, including dressing and grooming and tanatoesthetics. It also handles all the paperwork for the issue of the mortuary passport, contact with consulates or embassies, and transport to destination also by funeral car.
The donation of the body to science after death
The "Regulations on the disposition of one's own body and tissues post mortem for the purposes of study, training and scientific research" (Law No. 10/2020 and Presidential Decree No. 47/2023 and Presidential Decree No. 47/2023), provide that the declaration of consent to the post mortem donation of one's own body or tissues for research purposes, must be drawn up, by analogy with Law No. 219/2017 on informed consent and D.A.T, in the forms provided for advance declarations of treatment, namely by public deed, by notarised private deed or by private deed personally delivered by the disposer at the civil status office of the municipality of residence. Revocation of consent may be made at any time and in the manner just described. Unlike Law No. 219/2017, which provides for the possibility of indicating in the D.A.T. a trustee called upon to represent the disposer in relations with the doctor and healthcare facilities, the declaration of consent to post-mortem donation must compulsorily indicate a trustee who is responsible for notifying the doctor who ascertains the death and the existence of consent. The reference centres are also required to return the body to the family in a dignified condition within twelve months of delivery. The costs of transporting the body from the time of death until its return, the costs of burial, and the costs of any cremation are borne by the centres themselves.
For further information, please contact us or visit the Ministry of Health website.
Organ and tissue donation during life
You have many ways of declaring your will on organ and tissue donation, and it is simpler than you think. A natural and conscious choice that can give back a chance at life to those waiting to receive a transplant. For more information, click here.
Funeral ritual
The ritual to commemorate the deceased by expressing solidarity with the family while respecting traditions, religious beliefs, ethical conceptions and the wishes of the deceased and relatives.
Coffins and urns
We offer a wide selection of funeral caskets and cinerary urns in various woods, from basic to fine woods from classic to modern finishes. Our coffins are suitable for any burial or cremation in compliance with current regulations.
Arrangements and decorations
Always characterised by sobriety and delicacy, floral arrangements are intended to decorate the home, the funeral chamber or the place where the funeral rite will take place. Among the different options, you can choose wreaths, floral cushions and coffin covers, bundles of cut flowers, bowls, hearts and garlands: all creations can be customised according to your preferences in fragrances, colours and seasonal flowers.
Burials are distinguished into inhumation (burial in the ground either in a common field or in concession places) and burial (burial in masonry in a concession niche or family tomb).
Cremation is the burial practice whereby the body is reduced to ashes through a process of combustion and the ashes are collected in a special urn for burial, for deposit in a cinerary, for fostering or for scattering.
Those wishing to be cremated must leave a specific testamentary disposition or be registered with the Italian Cremation Register. Cremation may also be ordered, at the time of death, by the closest family member identified in the spouse, children, parents, who are aware that the deceased had expressed the desire to be cremated, in compliance with the regulatory procedures for family members of equal rank.
Cremation can also be performed for mortal remains from exhumation and exhumation, with procedures similar to those described above. The cinerary urn can be buried in a special cinerary niche under concession, in a family tomb, in an ossuary or in a niche already containing another deceased (if space is available). The ashes may also be given in foster care to a family member or dispersed in the places envisaged by the regulations in force.
We have always cared for innovation and technology from manufacturers and specialists in the field. We offer the most modern and comfortable solutions on the market, having a diversified fleet of vehicles capable of satisfying every type of transport and every wish of the relatives in terms of comfort and elegance.
Music in the funeral
Musical accompaniment during a ceremony, be it religious or secular, can take place in a church, a cemetery chapel, a farewell hall or anywhere else you wish to celebrate your ceremony. Music accompanies every type of rite, generating shared emotion.
This service involves the choice of one or more musical instruments such as organ, violin, piano, trumpet, oboe together with the voice of a soprano or tenor, and has the capacity to generate an infinite range of emotions in the human soul. The art of music binds, harmonises and enhances the meaning of ritual. It has the ability to soothe sadness, exhuming distant, happy memories and emphasising all the more emotional aspects.
Ecological funeral
The option of an ecological funeral came about because more and more people around the world started to take an interest in the environment. The aim is to minimise any negative effects on the ecosystem. This does not, of course, prevent one from opting for more traditional solutions, depending on one's preferences. The desire is to make the air and soil healthier and not pollute. Often, in fact, the treatments that are carried out on coffin wood and the techniques that are used to preserve the remains can damage the environment. For this reason, there are those who offer the option of an ecological funeral.
One of the most environmentally friendly options at the moment is cremation, although the emissions from this practice can also be considered not always fully ecological. However, there are solutions, such as biodegradable urns. It must be remembered that no one should feel judged for choosing one funeral ceremony over another. Every family has a bond with its traditions and these should be respected.
As time goes by, more and more people pay attention to the environment and funeral parlours do their utmost to respect the wishes of the family and the environment. Roberto Rossi Ltd Funeral Directors is always at the disposal of its customers with humanity, professionalism and empathy.
We provide services for transport authorisations, transfers of corpses, ashes and mortal remains, applications for issuance and renewal of concessions, applications for headstone affixing, poster posting, also on behalf of other agencies.