From cemetery operations to bureaucratic and administrative aspects.
We follow our customers professionally, offering a wide range of services.
Exhumations and extumulations
An exhumation is defined as a cemetery operation to recover the mortal remains of a deceased person buried in the ground after a period of time, established by law, of not less than 10 years. Exhumation is said to be extraordinary if it is performed before ten years have passed since the burial.
Exhumation is defined as the cemetery operation to recover the mortal remains of a deceased person who has been buried in masonry, in a burial plot or family burial ground, for at least 20 years. Extumulation is considered extraordinary, on the other hand, if performed before the age of twenty years.
Except in cases ordered by the judicial authority, no extraordinary exhumations or exhumations may be carried out in the months of May, June, July, August and September, unless in the case of a cemetery in a mountain municipality. The hygiene regulations allow such operations to be carried out in the above-mentioned months as well. Waste from exhumations and exhumations will be treated in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 25 of 15 July 2003.
A transfer is defined as the transportation of the body or mortal remains from one burial place to another, in Italy and abroad. Translations are often requested intra-cemetery, but it is possible to request the transfer of the deceased to the cemetery of another municipality in Italy and abroad.
Mortal remains reduction
Corpse reduction is an operation that tends to reduce the corpse to mortal remains if the exhumed or extruded corpse is in a fully mineralised condition. In such cases, the mortal remains may be immediately collected in ossuary boxes.
Cemetery concessions
The cemetery concession is the administrative measure by which the allocation of private burial grounds for the burial of the deceased of applicant family members is carried out. The concession is issued upon payment of the relevant fee and entitles the concession holder to use the burial ground for a predetermined period that varies according to the type of burial granted and the municipal mortuary regulations. In any case, the municipality's right of ownership remains intact.
The concession gives the right to use the burial ground for the placement of the deceased only until the expiry of the concession; only in the case of exhumation/exthumation of non-mineralised remains is it renewable for a further 5 years. The right to use the burial ground is not marketable, alienable or transferable by inheritance.
The following types of burial grounds may be given under concession:
Place on the ground
This is an area designated for the burial of the deceased in the ground. Only the burial of a coffin (body inside the coffin) is permitted in earthen places.
Masonry place
A masonry place is a reinforced concrete niche in which the coffin is placed (body inside the coffin and a zinc metal casket). The niches are inserted into special structures consisting of several elements. The concession of niches varies depending on the municipality for a maximum of 99 years. Inside the niches it is possible to bury, in addition to the coffin, boxes with bone remains and cinerary urns depending on the availability of space.
Charnel houses and cinerary urns
Charnel houses and cinerary urns are small burial niches, inserted into artefacts composed of several elements, intended for the burial of bone remains or cinerary urns. Inside ossuaries and cinerary urns it is possible to bury more than one box depending on the availability of space. The concession of ossuaries and cinerary urns varies from 30 to 99 years.